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Сервис flyMenu позволяет быстро и удобно создавать электронное QR-меню вашего заведения

QR menus have several advantages over traditional paper menus:

Updating information: if something changes on the menu (e.g. price or product availability), this can be easily updated on the electronic menu without the need to print new paper copies.
Reduced printing costs: restaurants can reduce the cost of printing traditional paper menus and switch to electronic versions, saving time and resources.
Eco-friendly: using electronic menus reduces the waste associated with paper menus and is therefore more environmentally friendly.
Additional marketing opportunity: restaurants can use e-menus to promote new dishes and drinks, offering special offers and discounts to customers
Quick access to information: customers can easily access information about the food and beverages offered in the restaurant by viewing it on their mobile devices. They can make choices faster than with a traditional paper menu.
The menu content and its customization are managed from the convenient Personal Cabinet of the service GetWiFi.
Creation and use of flyMenu service is absolutely free for owners of establishments with the number of tables (or unique QR codes) less than 10.
Monetization occurs through additional services - Guest Wi-Fi with authorization, SMS-distributions and other marketing services for owners of establishments.
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